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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Me and My Mentor

3/11/10 journal entry 18

I went to my mentor today and we looked at my blog and went over things that could help, like more pictures and maybe longer posts but other than that she really likes the work I have done lately. My mentor gave me the idea to do a blog in the first place and it's really paying off well. Also we went through a run down of my text book. My mentor thinks I should be trying to get further in the book so I can get up into the air as soon as possible; because that is the most important part and funnest part of this whole project.Finally, I just got my Red Flag paper form signed and ready to give to my teacher tomorrow. The last thing we did today was talk about talking to a fellow student at the East Hill Flying Club and see what their strategies were on getting the text done.

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