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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flying a Legend by Jeff Wise

Flying a Legend appeared in August 2009 Popular Mechanics. The author talks about how he first put on a parachute and learned how to pop the top of a canopy before he climbed into a vintage World War II fighter plane. Stallion 51 is a company owned by Lee Louderback that gives flight experience to pilots who want to try flying a P-51 Mustang. The P-51 Mustang was designed in 1940 by the North American Aviation Company which later became Boeing. The British needed planes to fight the Nazis and Mustang pilots destroyed nearly 5000 German airplanes. The P-51 Mustang has a maximum speed of 437 mph and can go as high as 42,000 feet. It's described as a rocket. The author has been a pilot for seven years and never flew a plane like this. He loved it and when I get my license I'm heading to Kissimmee, Florida to try it out.

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