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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Research Article #1

3/10/10 Journal entry 15
I used this article for my bibliography for my wise class for information on the new technology behind flying


Authors: Hagerman, Eric

Source: Popular Science

This article is about taking unmanned air craft and replacing them with armed air craft. These are drones that are controlled in Indiana Springs Nevada and flown in Iraq and Afghanistan. These planes are making triple the amount of missions they did in the past and are a lot easier to train then, training a person to fly it. At first these planes were only used for spy planes (M-1 Predator) now they have the (M-9 Reaper) which is equipped with missiles. Unlike fighter jets these planes can stay in the air for 24 hours.

These planes are taking jobs from pilots who would original be doing there missions. Pilots are upset about this because one they don't think a drone can do what a person in the cockpit. Also the number of pilots that have started to learn how to fly these drone has double in the past couple years.

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