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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What i have learned so Far in the text

So far I have been reading about what you can get out of flying, career wise. I learned that the training it takes to become a commercial pilot takes many many hours of flight time and lots of knowledge test, to fly these huge planes. Also it went into the military side of flying of and found out in every branch of the military some sort of flying is needed. from Air Force to the Marines they use fighter jets, helicopters, and any type of machine that goes up in the air. So after reading that much i turned to different rules and regulations of flying like (VFR's) Visual Flight Rules, which is the restriction of staying in certain boundaries, and stay a certain distance away from the clouds. Another one is (IFR's) Instrument Flight Rules which allows you to fly to the ground or the horizon without any reference or regulations.

I am having a bit of a hard time understanding what all this information has to do with learning how to fly it just seems like I am just getting a bunch of information that isn't a %100 relevant to learning the mathematical side of flying or physical side. But as of now I have officially set up a system to study and blog and get all my other work done so now i am just plugging away at this stuff everyday and am waiting to get up in the air.

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