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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

10 Disasters that changed Aviation

10 Disasters that changed Aviation
By David Noland
In the September 2007 addition of Popular Mechanics

At first I didn't know if a disaster article was the best thing to read for my WISE bibliography as I'm flying now and don't want to fill my head with disasters. But as I read the article I realized that it was understanding how accidents happen that makes flying so safe today. Air accidents are heavily investigated and lead to safety improvements. today's flying is actually the safest type of transportation.

In 1956 a TWA Jet crash with a DC7 after they had both taken off from LA 3minutes apart about 90 minutes later out of contact with ground control the aircraft collided. It seems that both pilots were trying to show their passengers the Grand Canyon and the crash killed everyone. This crash started a 250,000,000 to the air traffic control system (ATC) it also led to the start of the Federal Aviation Administration that watch's air safety. The improvements worked there hasn't been a collision between two air liners since.

Some accidents brought about some simple fixes. in 1983 a DC9 Filled with black smoke and although the pilot could land the cabin caught fire and everyone died. The FAA then required smoke detectors and automatic fire extinguishers in the bath room, (were the fire started). Jets also have flour lighting to passengers can see the exits.

Other disasters are also mentioned. some results are better air planes and other results are better training. crashes have led to new rules like the 1996 Miami fire that stopped allowing hazardous cargo on aircraft's. Pre flight checks are added to when accidents teach pilots new things to check. and 1980 MAUI flight lost a large section of fuselage leading to more inspection and maintenance.

These corrections work. No jets have crashed into each other inspections have stopped corrosion damage. Our air traffic control system watches out for jets and smaller planes like mine. It was a result of an accident that led to small planes having to use transponders. transponders that are electrical devises that broadcast where you are in the air. No small plane has ever collided with a jet in the US and that makes me relieved

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