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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Red Flag

Red Flag Journal #1 February 15th

Over the winter break we just had, I spent most of my time finding videos to watch for my research. Also I went to set up an appointment with David St. Gorge the head of the East Hill Flying Club. It took me a while to get a hold of him guessing he was really busy but when i did we set a time and place for me to officially sign up and get the flight processes on the road

Also in the past week i had to get a physical from the doctor to be admitted into the program and to make sure i am physical and mentally fit to fly.
I meet with my mentor every school day and we go over my progress and set goals today's goal was to be officially signed up for lessons and she said if I i did not have the form by Monday I shouldn't even show up to see her. So that gave me the initiative to work on the project on my own.
I have been keeping up with my journal entry's and trying to stay ahead of the game. This will be my 7th entry in the past two weeks. I have been putting in well detailed information.
My plans for the next week is to collect all of my text for this project and start hitting the books.

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