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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My first real flying lesson is this weekend. I have no idea how ready I am; chapter 2 is so much harder than chapter 1. There are so many terms I have to learn. I decided to switch from Cornell notes to flash cards. With 30 to 40 terms per section and three sections per chapter it feels over welming. Here's my plan for the next three days. At 8 a.m I am going to the Flying club to warch chapter summaries in movie form. I am planning on watching them at least two times. My free periods, I continue to make flash cards on all of the terms. From 2 to 4 I go over the terms with my tutor.

I don't know if I am ready for my first flight lesson. I don't know if I'm supposed to read the book or completely memorize it. At first, I told my parents to cancel it because I would never be ready on time. After talking with my mentor, I decided the flight instructor would be my best source for finding out how ready I really am. I'm going to quit seconding guessing myself, finish the chapters, and memorize as much as I can. Maybe I just have to have a understanding of the terms not be able to build the plane. That's what I hope. Working in the text book has been so time consuming that I haven't spent time this week on my WISE bibliography, one of the questions I have for Ms. Lord is, as my studying becomes more focused can I ignore what feels like time wasters... ie watching flying movies.

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